Sunday, February 24, 2008

Little About Me

Greetings, readers! I just realized today that you all have no idea who exactly I am. How rude of me not to introduce myself and my blog first so that you knew what you were getting yourself into...heh. =D

Anyway, let's get down to business. My name is Brandon. I'm currently 16 years old. My preferred religious beliefs are Jewish. I firmly believe that it is my job and the job of all my brethren, be they Christian, Messianic, or Jewish, is to bring the world back to Torah. The only way to do this is to live Torah.

Sound like a nice guy so far? Wait before making your judgments, because there is more. A friend once called me an "outspoken Judeo-Christian philosopher" due to the fact that I AM outspoken, I am Judeo-Christian, and I am a lover of philosophy. I say things that people find hard to swallow. For example, I do not believe the trinity. I believe that both Christians and Jews should follow Torah and bring the world to Torah. I believe that Christians and Jews are brothers, whether they like it or not.

That about sums it up, for now. The rest you shall find out in later posts.